In an interesting recent project, Andres produced a video of a collection of signs he bought from homeless people titled Sign of the Times. I was knighted the (digital) photographer and Andres took on the role of Art Director/Producer. Typically Andres shoots on film and his final works are color photographs. He prefers this medium and both his collectors, and the art world generally expect him to work with traditional photographic media (film and paper with photographic emulsion). However, the final piece for this project was not to be a printed photograph, but a video, so he felt free to use digital photography as the medium for its production. I believe that he got the idea to create a video of still photographs from a video he produced earlier in 2013 of stills from the Cuba project that was shown only at a two-day video festival on June 28, 2013 at Musée de l'Élysée Lausanne in Switzerland, a photography museum.
Sign of the Times is now being shown at Yvon Lambert Gallery in Paris along with his wonderful large scale color photographs from Cuba.
It was a great pleasure to work with him on Sign of the Times. We spent several days shooting and lighting to impart the mood he was after for the final piece. A man named 'Vinnie' worked with Serrano to put together the the final video from the still photos.
Here is an interview with him about the piece and a link to the video or you can click on the photo above to go straight to the video.